COVID19 Detailed Re-Opening Plan
The following are rules for Sojourn Groups or Events or other ministries/groups using our building -- to ensure the safety of all.
These guidelines are a compilation of recommendations from the CDC, MN Dept of Health, the MN Assemblies of God District Office, and local area churches.
Please note, that as of October 2021 the Covid-19 situation continues to need vigilance by us all to prevent the future spread of this disease to others.
We continue to get waves of cases and hospitalization surges every few months. Please take care to protect yourself and others who might be at a much higher risk.
+ Building and Sanctuary
- Hand sanitizer stations are located at entrance and in sanctuary for attendees.
- Inside doors leading to the sanctuary will remain open at all times.
- Restrooms will be limited to 2 people max at one time.
- Front doors should be opened for guests by before and during the event – weather permitting (If outside temperature is less than 50 F, the doors should not be propped open).
- All interior doors leading to sanctuary in use will remain open.
- Any food or drink must be approved by Sojourn Leadership (Lead Pastor, Executive Pastor, or their designate). Coffee brewed at the building will not be allowed at this time.
- We are not passing offering collection plates. Instead, we have a central collection basket where people can give checks or cash. We encourage giving on-line at our website for one time or reoccurring donations.
- The water fountain on lower level will be closed.
- If outside temperature is 20 F or greater, please open 2 windows on either side of sanctuary (1 inch cracked open) if weather permits to maximize the natural ventilation in the building. Also turn on the two fans (low speed) on south wall – point angled upward -- to further increase ventilation and air turnover rates.
+ Worship service & Event attendees
- Anyone testing positive for Covid-19 should stay at home until symptoms have ceased for 10 days.
- We also ask that everyone conduct a self-check and stay home if they have symptoms of COVID-19. Symptoms can include fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, headache, muscle pain, sore throat, or loss of taste or smell. Other less common symptoms include gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
- Stay home if you have had exposure to Covid-19 positive person(s) in the last 10 days.
- Please consider staying home if you are in a higher risk group: These include people over 65 years & those with following medical conditions: chronic lung disease or asthma, heart conditions, immunocompromised (including cancer treatment, smoking, bone marrow or organ transplantation, immune deficiencies, poorly controlled HIV or AIDS, and prolonged use of corticosteroids and other immune weakening medications), severe obesity (body mass index of 40 or higher), diabetes, chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis, liver disease.
- Although we love to greet one another, at this time we ask people to ask the other person prior to giving any hugs and handshakes. Fist and elbow bumps are great!
- Masks are no longer required. However, those in high-risk groups desiring protection are advised to wear their own N-95 mask, fitted well to their faces. Others who feel comfortable wearing cloth masks are welcome to do so. Let’s defer to one another in love on this issue. We will provide masks for those who need them.
- Children under 2 years old should NOT wear a mask per CDC guidelines. Parents can decide for ages 3 years old and older.
- People who are speaking during the service (i.e. preaching, giving announcements, testimonies, worship team) may remove their mask if desired so they can be clearly understood.
- We encourage the use hand sanitizer upon entering the building.