join us on a sunday

in-person worship

10:00 am, Sanctuary, upper level

Our Sunday worship service consists of worshipping God through expressing our love and adoration of Him through song, scripture, testimonies, prayers, and teachings.

online worship

10:00 am, Live Stream

Our Sunday worship service is live-streamed at 10:00am each Sunday.
If you are unable to join us in person, we encourage you to worship with us online!

Sunday prayer

9:00 am, Prayer Room, lower level

Every Sunday morning before the Worship Service begins, we set aside time to seek God’s face and to intercede for the Sojourn Campus Church community in various aspects.

values that guide our sunday service


Structure is not the antithesis of Spirit-led worship, but rather the two go hand-in-hand. Structure helps provide consistency and a safe environment that helps people engage with God in worship. However, we break outside of the structure as the Spirit leads and as is appropriate for our corporate time of worship.


when we worship

We are transformed as we gaze upon the glory of the Lord (2 Cor. 3:18).   We acquire God’s heart. We welcome God’s presence into our city, paving the way for the Gospel to go forth, accompanied by the power of God, furthering the rule and reign of His kingdom.


Our worship leaders aim to lead the congregation in a unified direction under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We encourage spontaneous songs that are meant for the whole congregation to be led by our worship leaders. This serves to reduce confusion and to help the entire congregation remain engaged throughout the worship time.


expressions of worship

Worship is a very individual experience. We seek to grow in a worship experience together where there is a genuine encounter with the Holy Spirit, structured and facilitated for the security and benefit of those less familiar with the moving of the Holy Spirit. We value graciousness toward each other’s differences!


We seek to foster an environment where people are able to express their passion in worship. Worship is not forced or contrived but becomes our natural response to God’s revelation of Himself to us. There is room in the back of the sanctuary for expressions of worship that require more space than our seating area can accommodate.


spirit led worship

We believe God’s Spirit is actively moving in our midst every time we gather for worship, and we seek to give Him room to lead our corporate worship times. In our times of worship, we express our heart cry as well as minister God’s word for the moment through prayer or spontaneous song. Frequently toward the end of sung worship, we will pause to give room for prayer, prophetic gifts, and Scripture.

join us

310 18th Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Sunday Prayer
9:00 am
Sanctuary, upper level

Sunday Worship Service
10:00 am
In-person or Online