Why We Give
The Bible teaches us that everything good in our lives, including our money, are gifts from the Lord. We believe that as we give tithes (a percentage of our income) and offerings (extra giving) to God’s Kingdom, we are giving back to God the first fruits of what he has already given to us. Scripture teaches us to give in three ways: To the local church, to missionaries around the world, and those in poverty or oppression. In II Corinthians 9, Paul reminds us to give cheerfully and generously, “resulting in many expressions of thanks to God.”
ways to give
Give in-person at Sojourn Campus Church by cash or check.
Set up a recurring donation or give one-time gifts through our website. Scroll down to give online with a credit or debit card.
With the convenience of Direct Deposit Giving you can establish a giving schedule that is both consistent and comfortable for your budget. You can set up automatic withdrawals through your bank, either from your checking or savings account. This method also avoids credit card fees, giving 100% of your gifts to God’s work.
Use your smart phone to give anytime by texting. Text the amount you’d like to donate to 612-979-2852 and then follow the prompts.
Donating appreciated stock will cost you less, from a tax standpoint, than making the same donation in cash. When you donate appreciated stock, you can deduct the full value of the stock and avoid paying the capital gains tax. The church receives the full value of the stock because, as a charitable organization, it is not required to pay the tax. Email finances@sojourncampuschurch.org if you are interested in this option.
Thank you for giving to Sojourn Campus Church. Simply fill in the giving form below to make a one-time or a recurring donation.
How to give:
Specify your donation amount.
Specify which giving fund or missionary you’d like your donation to go towards. You may now add/include multiple Missionary or Special Funds in one process. If you are giving to Missionaries not listed in the drop-down list, please use “Give to Other” and in the “Comments” section type in the Name or Special Fund you would like your gift to go to.
Specify your giving frequency; One-time, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or yearly.
Specify your giving method; Credit/Debit card or ACH Bank Transfer.
Click “Continue” and you will be prompted to fill in your credit/debit card information or your Bank Transfer information.
Click “Give” to finalize your donation. You will also receive an email confirmation of your donation.
If you would like to change or cancel your recurring donation you must do so through Breeze, our church management system. If you have an existing Breeze account, you can log in HERE. If you would like to create a Breeze account, please send an email to contact@sojourncampuschurch.org and request for a Breeze account to be created for you.