serve missions team
The Sojourn Missions Team is committed to seeing our church body as a launching pad for people who want to take the love of Christ and share it in practical ways – in our neighborhoods, our workplaces, our campuses, and to the four corners of the earth. If you’d like to volunteer with the Missions Team, please click the button below to let us know.
What to Expect (some, not all):
Promote and support long and short term missions
Actively being involved with local outreaches
Connecting people with Justice Issues (Poverty, Modern Day Slavery, etc.)
Providing hope for the hopeless
Evangelism: One Minute Witness
Missionaries: Partnership and support for missionaries, both local and around the world. Mission organizations including: Oasis World Ministries, AG-Home & Foreign, YWAM, Segway, Healing Haiti, etc.
Juarez Missions: Partnership and support for La Casa Hogar foster care facility in Juarez, Mexico. Annual mission trips; 12+ year relationship.
International Justice Mission (IJM); Trafficking Justice
Compassion International