sunday prayer team
Every Sunday morning before the service begins, we set aside time to seek God’s face, to intercede for Sojourn Campus Church community in various aspects, and to pray for a varieties of topics related to the greater Body of Christ and the world. We also set aside some time to pray for the specific personal prayer requests of those present.
service opportunities
Tech coordinator | sundays, 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Our Sunday Payer is broadcast via Google Meets for those who cannot attend in person. The Tech Coordinator is responsible managing the technology side of Sunday Prayer, making it easy for anyone and everyone to access this important, communal time of worship. Responsibilities include:
Arrive at 8:45 am to set up a computer, TV, and microphone. If you have a laptop that you can bring with you, that would be the best but it’s not required.
Activate the Google Meets link and manage the online space for the duration of prayer time.
At the end of Sunday Prayer, turn off and put away all equipment.
Time commitment: 1 hour per week, 1-4x’s per month.
Prayer leader | sundays, 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Prayer Leaders help lead our Sunday Prayer group through a time of intentional worship by planning prayer topics each week, listing out the prayer points, and leading the prayer meeting. Prayer Leader requirements include:
Attend 2 or more Sunday Prayer meetings as a participant so that you understand the flow.
Plan prayer topics and prayer points in advance of Sunday Prayer.
Time commitment: 1 hour per week, 1-4x’s per month.