Holy Week Services

Palm Sunday, April 2

Join us on April 2nd as we Celebrate Jesus the King! The Worship Service is at 10 am. Following the service, join us for a free Community Lunch and also an egg hunt for the kids!

Community Lunch

Sojourn's annual Palm Sunday Community Lunch will be Sunday, April 2nd following service. We hope you'll invite a friend and stay for some extended community fellowship. The meat will be provided. Please bring a prepared dish to share (your choice!). If you're able to lend a helping hand for set up, serving, or tear down, please contact Elisa Newland at elisa@sojourncampuschurch.org.

Egg Hunt
The Family Life Team is hosting the annual Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday, April 2nd! After the Community Lunch, an Egg Hunt for those birth-5th grades will be available at 12:30 pm in the Lower Level in each classroom. Invite your friends to come to enjoy games, crafts, a dance party, and an egg hunt. For more information or questions, contact ashley@sojourncampuschurch.org

Good Friday, April 7

Join us on the evening of April 7th from 7 - 8 pm as we reflect on Jesus's sacrifice and worship him.

Location: Sojourn Sanctuary, upper level

Note for families with children: There will be no children’s ministries this evening. Rather, this family friendly service can be a time to come as a family and explain the meaning of Good Friday.

Easter Sunday, April 9

We welcome all to join us for a Worship Service in celebrating Jesus's resurrection and victory over death! 

Date: Sunday, April 9, 2023

Time: 10 am

Location: Sojourn Sanctuary, upper level

For families with children: Children aged 0 - 2 years can sign in to the Nursery up to 10 minutes before service begins. Preschool and Elementary children will be dismissed after praise and worship. Our Early Childhood Ministries serves children ages 3 - 5 years. Our Kid’s Ministry serves children in grades 1 - 5.

Parking: Click here to learn about our parking procedures

in-person worship faq’s

+ Where do I park?

The University of Minnesota has a large parking lot adjacent to the north side of our building (left side of the building as you are facing the front) that you can park in on Sunday mornings. It is called Lot 58. Access to this lot is from 18th Ave SE.

If the gate is down, get a ticket (push button on touch screen). As you enter the Sojourn building, take a voucher from our table in the Lobby. When you're leaving the parking lot, put your ticket in the slot, and then scan the voucher barcode in the glass window to the right of the ticket slot when it asks for payment.

Free street parking is also available on the north side of University Ave between 15th street and 19th street SE.

+ Are face coverings required?

Masks are no longer required due to rescinding of mask mandates by our MN Governor and Minneapolis Mayor. However, if you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, we respect and honor your choice to do so.

+ What does the time of singing worship look like? How can I participate in this?

We have a worship team that leads us in song. We encourage people to worship God in a way that they are comfortable with, whether that be expressive, with hands raised, or quiet, with heads bowed. Some people will be more expressive than others, but we encourage each person to be honest and authentic in their worship of the Lord.

+ How do I participate in the time of prayers and sharing?

If God puts a bible verse on your heart that you think would be edifying for the whole church, you are free to come up to the microphone during our sharing time and share it briefly. If you are unsure of whether it is appropriate, you can ask the Pastor who is leading that time about it.

+ If I have a prayer need, can I be prayed for during the service?

We offer prayer for people at the close of each service. Just come up to the front during that time, and share your need with one of the prayer people who are up front.

+ What can I do if I have a crying child or nursing baby?

We have a “Cry room / Nursing room” at the back of the sanctuary for nursing mom’s or parents with crying children. You can also take them downstairs into our nursery and be with them until they settle down.

+ Do I have to register to attend church in-person?

No. Per new MN rules, we can accommodate significantly more people in our worship center, so there will be no need to register. We have plenty of room. We will, however, be checking in people that attend, just in case we need to get in touch with them at a later date.

+ What about those at higher risk or caring for those more vulnerable?

If you are in a higher risk group (65 yrs or older, underlying health conditions), caring for higher-risk people, exposed to Covid-19 positive patients, or experiencing any symptoms of sickness, we ask you to stay safe at home and join us for Online Worship Service. See our detailed guidelines for more specifics on symptoms to check before coming.

+ What is Sojourn doing to keep people healthy?

  • Offering baskets will not be passed. Offerings will be collected in a central drop off basket.
  • Hand Sanitizers will be provided as well as tissues.
  • Extra ventilation will be provided (open windows – weather permitting, fans, full HVAC system use).
  • No community coffee or snacks will be shared. Water bottles will be offered on the back table.
  • We will allow extra space (~20 feet) between worship team and the first group of chairs for the congregation.

+ Are you offering programing for kids?

Our Nursery is open for children aged 2 years and younger every Sunday. Preschool classes for ages 3 - 5 and Elementary Sunday School for children in grades 1 - 5 will be offered to children whose parents are comfortable with this.

+ What about the Sunday Morning Prayer Meetings?

We invite people to join us both in-person (Lower level large room) OR on-line from 9:00 am to 9:45 am for Sunday Morning Prayer.

+ How can I get more details of Sojourn’s COVID-19 Procedures and Rules?

Click here for the full details of policies for worship services and other Sojourn events.

+ How can I help reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19?

  • If you don’t feel well or have health concerns, please stay home and join us for our Online Worship Service.
  • Please wash your hands and use hand sanitizer often.
  • Maintain a distance of six or more feet between yourself and other guests.
  • Please respect the personal health decisions of others.

+ Do you have an resources for fostering spiritual health during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Yes! We believing that fostering physical, spiritual, and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic is important. Please click here to view our resources.

+ Who can I talk with if I have other questions?

Contact Keith Lokkesmoe, our Executive Pastor with any questions you might have! keith@sojourncampuschurch.org

values that guide our sunday service


Structure is not the antithesis of Spirit-led worship, but rather the two go hand-in-hand. Structure helps provide consistency and a safe environment that helps people engage with God in worship. However, we break outside of the structure as the Spirit leads and as is appropriate for our corporate time of worship.


when we worship

We are transformed as we gaze upon the glory of the Lord (2 Cor. 3:18).   We acquire God’s heart. We welcome God’s presence into our city, paving the way for the Gospel to go forth, accompanied by the power of God, furthering the rule and reign of His kingdom.


Our worship leaders aim to lead the congregation in a unified direction under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We encourage spontaneous songs that are meant for the whole congregation to be led by our worship leaders. This serves to reduce confusion and to help the entire congregation remain engaged throughout the worship time.


expressions of worship

Worship is a very individual experience. We seek to grow in a worship experience together where there is genuine encounter with the Holy Spirit, and structured and facilitated for the security and benefit of those less familiar with the moving of the Holy Spirit. We value graciousness toward each other’s differences!


We seek to foster an environment where people are able to express their passion in worship. Worship is not forced or contrived but becomes our natural response to God’s revelation of Himself to us. There is room in the back of the sanctuary for expressions of worship that require more space than our seating area can accommodate.


spirit led worship

We believe God’s Spirit is actively moving in our midst every time we gather for worship, and we seek to give Him room to lead our corporate worship times. In our times of worship, we express our heart cry as well as minister God’s word for the moment through prayer or spontaneous song. Frequently toward the end of sung worship, we will pause to give room for prayer, prophetic gifts, and Scripture.

join us

310 18th Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414

Sunday Prayer
9:00 am
Sanctuary, upper level

Sunday Worship Service
10:00 am
Sanctuary, upper level